Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What do you do while waiting in line?

Have you digested yesterday's statistic that you might spend three years of your life while waiting in line?

Last month, I had the opportunity to attend a music conference with my daughter and her chorus group from school. The last day of the conference, we were treated to an outstanding concert in which my daughter was a part of a 300-voice choir.

Prior to the concert, parents and other guests waited in line, to be assured of a seat for the concert. The wait would be 1 ½ hours, and I came prepared with my book to help me pass the time.

As I entered the line, I said “Hello” to the lady waiting in front of me. She returned my “Hello” and casually asked me, “What are we waiting in line for if the concert doesn’t start for another 1 ½ hours?” I smiled back and shared with her that the ballroom was rather small and the seats were limited. She was shocked and expressed that she just couldn’t stand in line for the 1 ½ hours.

I really wanted to read my book, and, in fact, I had already sat on the floor, ready to endure the wait while reading. I attempted to gracefully pull myself up off of the floor, and I told her that she would not want to miss the concert. I gently touched her arm and said that she would not be disappointed, and it was worth the wait.

“But, that’s a long wait.” Within a matter of few seconds, I had a decision to make—engage in negative conversation and complain along with her, or re-direct the conversation and encourage this mom.

Somehow, the conversation turned, and we were chatting away—talking about everything, from comparing stories about our teenage daughters to Bill Cosby. Yes, Bill Cosby—she said, “Did you know that he lost a son many years ago?” To which I replied, “No parent should ever have to bury their child.”

As I looked at this lovely woman, I noticed tears welling up in her eyes. The conversation turned again, and she shared some very heartbreaking events that had occurred just that week in her family.

Needless to say, the 1 ½ hour wait seemed to fly by. The ballroom doors were opened, and our time together was almost over. As we were walking into the ballroom, she turned and looked at me and said, “God put you in this line for a reason, and it was for me. My heart was so heavy this morning, and I prayed to God for help and encouragement. He sent you to me.”

We shared a few hugs, and, later, we said our good-byes. She may have thought that God put me in that line for her, but, it was the other way around—God put her in that line for me.

What do you do when you’re waiting in line? Are you a negative contributor or a positive provider of encouragement?

Psalm 34:5 “Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.”

Monday, February 14, 2011

Waiting, Waiting, & More Waiting....


You do it just about every day—you wait in some type of line. Whether it’s the checkout line at the grocery store, the red light down the street, the post office, or the waiting room at the dentist—you endure the act of waiting. In fact, I found that a few sources report that we will spend an average of three years just on waiting in some type of line.

My question for you now is, “What do you do when you’re waiting in line?” Have you ever found yourself striking up a conversation with your fellow “line waiters,” or, has someone attempted to engage you in conversation? Often, the conversation heads in a negative direction.

Just last week, I was waiting in a long line at the Post Office. Upon entering, I conducted a quick calculation as to how long that I thought the wait would be…“Hhmm, Let’s see, there are five postal workers behind the counter, and I’m about the thirteenth person in line. This shouldn’t take too long.” So, I began the wait.

Within thirty seconds, I realized that the piercing sound, which my ears were tuning into, was a screaming child, around the age of three. Obviously, this line was not as quick as I had originally calculated.

It didn’t take long before the mumblings began. The customers around me started to engage in conversation, but, it wasn’t at all pleasant. No mention as to the invigorating weather outside or anything positive. No, the conversation was about the screaming child and his mother.

“Oh, yeah, Good! That’s just what you need, Lady--another kid!” I didn’t understand that comment at first, until I saw this very tired mother chasing after the toddler, who was now grabbing the greeting cards from the display. This mom turned around, and I saw the cute little “beach ball” attached to her belly. With the buzzing conversation around me, I had a decision to make—engage in the negative conversation, or keep my mouth shut. I chose to keep my mouth shut.

I remember those days when I had small children, and I had to cart them from their car seats to waiting lines. It’s an exhausting experience. Did this mother really want her child to scream and annoy the waiting customers? No, she was merely trying to pick up her registered letter from the Postal Office.

What do you do when you’re waiting in line? Are you a contributor to negativity or a provider of encouragement?

1 Samuel 2:3 says, “Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the Lord is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed.”

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Friends We Meet Along our Journey

The day after we received our son’s diagnosis, I took him to school and spoke to the school administrator about details for Matthew’s diabetic self-care. Those initial days, I could barely get through a conversation without crying.

As I broke down in tears in the administrator’s office, he quickly told me, “I have someone that I want you to meet.” Looking back, I’m certain that he wasn’t quite sure what to do with a blubbering mother in his office. Nevertheless, he walked me over to the attendance clerk’s office and introduced me to Pat.

Within seconds, Pat wrapped her arms around me and told me that she knew just how I felt. You see, Pat’s own daughter Lilly has type 1 diabetes, as well. Pat spent quite a while just listening to me; she also shared with me that diabetics can have normal lives, but they just have to do things a little differently than before. After many tissues and tears, Pat told me to call on her any time I needed a shoulder or an ear.

Over the course of the next few months, Pat would email me often, or I would stop by her office to ask a question or two. Without fail, Pat always made time for me, not to mention that she would occasionally check on Matthew during the school day.

Shortly after the school year ended, we moved away, and Pat and I lost touch. But, God reunited us one year later.

My daughter and I attended a Christian teen girls’ conference (Revolve Tour) at the Orlando Amway Arena. This venue is huge, and the odds of running into someone you know are a bit slim. During one of the breaks, I heard a voice call my name. Sitting across the aisle from me was my friend Pat.

Pat and I share the same passion, as do all parents of children with type 1—we cling to the hope for a cure for type 1 in our children’s lifetime.

Pat, thank you for sharing your wisdom, love, and encouragement. Perhaps through our new website, I will be able to offer that same encouragement to other families with newly diagnosed children with type 1 diabetes.
